Some of my friends have made the comment that they think my place is too small. You see, I have some friends who live pretty far out of town where you can get a place to live for a lot less than when you are closer to the big cities. It makes sense that if bigger areas out in the country are more familiar, then it would seem pretty small in the city. But that’s where most of the people I know want to live. For example, I have a friend who comes to visit and she sees my one bedroom places and my relatively small flat and says that she doesn’t know how I can stand to live here because there isn’t any space to do anything. If you go to her home, you will see that she lives on a big lot and has a 3 bedroom house. Well, of course my place seems small!

There are so many things I like about living in the city, but there are also some things that would be nice about living away from all the crowded areas. If you have a house that is away from stuff you can get a bigger yard, or, I should say you can get a yard, since all the apartments in the cities don’t have yards. You can put things in your yard, like a garden, and a little gazebo in the back, and some metal garden furniture to sit in when you have your buddies come over.

When we want to relax we have to go to a restaurant. I have a lot of taverns that I like to visit, but there is something that is nice about hanging out in your yard with others. And that isn’t something that I can do here. I might move out of the city but I really like living here and I also work here so I don’t see that happening. And living in a small place isn’t so bad, in fact, it teaches me to be a bit more creative because I don’t have room to just store everything that i want. So I’ll be sure to only get things that I know I am going to need and be able to find a place for.
But when I go to visit my friend and we can go outside and she shows me her sidewalk and her garden and all of that, it actually is really nice.