During his month long artist in residency at the Ace Hotel in NYC, photographer Chase Jarvis explores and celebrates the art of the snapshot and invites the world to further pursue their own creative endeavors.

the more I think about it, study it, and live it, the more I can say definitively that the photographic snapshot has quietly emerged as one of our culture’s–if not the world’s–most unsung creative heroes. – Chase Jarvis

This, to me, is breathtaking (thank you so much to my darling friend Leslie for showing me this and saying that it made her think of me – my friends, oh how they know me). I’ve always been a champion of the snapshot. It’s what I do myself, after all – capture a moment and hold it forever.

3 guys, 44 days, 11 countries, 18 flights, 38 thousand miles, an exploding volcano, 2 cameras, and almost a terabyte of footage. I am so inspired and awestruck by the bravery and beauty in projects like this. What an adventure. How absolutely gorgeous.

Rick Mereki : Director, producer, additional camera and editing
Tim White : DOP, producer, primary editing, sound
Andrew Lees : Actor, mover, groover

[via swissmiss]